Green and clean waterborne transport


Waterborne Transport will be the most sustainable mode of transport. To achieve this aim, all harmful environmental emissions (including pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions), as well as water pollution, waste and noise, will be eliminated. Shipping and inland navigation are also shifting their power generation towards sustainable options, including renewable energies. The sector’s targets are two-fold: first of all, to tackle new-build short sea ships and new-build inland vessels (by 2030), to decrease emissions during navigation by 50% for other ship types (by 2030), and secondly, to address all ship types operating deep-sea trades (by 2050). To achieve these targets, cross-sectoral cooperation with other modes of transport and even other related sectors, embracing the overall logistics and mobility chain, will be essential. The identification of innovative business models will be crucial in reaching such targets.


The Waterborne sector will build and operate economically competitive ships that completely eliminate harmful emissions to air (including pollution and greenhouse gas emissions), water and noise from shipping by 2050 and will exceed the IMO GHG emission reduction goals and fulfil the EU strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean Planet for All.

The Waterborne sector aims to eliminate any negative influence of shipping on the environment of people, flora and fauna, enabling customers to choose the most sustainable form of transport. The European Waterborne sector will extend its global leading position in green waterborne technology and expertise to increase the market share of European shipping and shipbuilding companies, providing new highly qualified jobs and stimulating overall growth.