LASTING - Let's go for Waterborne transport research - broadening engagement and increasing impact

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6 partners
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in 36 months
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funding 1,3 million euros

What is the LASTING Project?

As a European Commission-funded initiative, the LASTING Project collaborates with the waterborne sector to boost stakeholder engagement and increase the impact of European RD&I activities. Its primary focus is on developing an effective communication strategy and a long-lasting communication campaign.

As part of the project, the LASTING Playbook has been developed which provides clear dissemination and communication guidelines that can bring added-value to the sector.

The LASTING Project aims to:

  • Promote the waterborne transport sector’s commitment to achieving zero-emissions before 2050, meeting challenges related to innovation, digitalisation, green transition and competitiveness.
  • Connect waterborne stakeholders to create synergies, promote collaboration and share best practices.
  • Attract new initiatives, new partners, and ambassadors for the sector.
  • Raise awareness of the European Commission’s commitment to invest in the waterborne transport sector’s transition to climate neutrality.

How will LASTING achieve it's goals?

An essential element of the LASTING communication strategy will be the development of a plug-and-play system for participation in European, national or regional strategic maritime and/or inland waterway transport events. In the framework of LASTING, the plug-and-play system will be tested at a number of occasions, to ensure the system is fit-for-purpose. In addition, high quality dissemination materials (such as flyers and banners) and templates will be delivered. There will be a main focus on the use of digital tools for dissemination purposes, to ensure that the communication efforts of the waterborne transport community will easily follow the concept launched in the framework of LASTING.

The Zero-emission Waterborne Transport Partnership forms a central part of LASTING, being the first dedicated RD&I funding mechanism for the sector at EU level. This Partnership will demonstrate zero-emission solutions for all main ship types before 2030, enabling climate neutrality before 2050. Finally, yet importantly, the Waterborne TP will take over the communication strategy and campaign after the lifetime of LASTING and will ensure a durable implementation of the concepts and materials developed in the framework of the project.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006923.

Contact details:

Jaap Gebraad
Secretary-General Waterborne TP
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