As the project unfolds, all public reports and deliverables will be made available in this page. STEERER’s main results will be:
Green Shipping Expert Group
The Green Shipping Expert Group will consist of national and European relevant initiatives as well as of a number of sector frontrunners combined with the organisations needed to get the broader sector involved. This group will follow the goals of reaching joint commitment on the emission targets in 2025, 2030 and 2050, developing a joint agenda building upon the current state-of-play leading to prioritisation of areas with the most potential per segment of the waterborne transport sector.
STEERER Agenda (also known as the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda) and Implementation Plan
An interconnected effort between the consortium partners, the Scientific Committee and the Green Shipping Expert Group will lead to the establishment of the STEERER Agenda and its subsequent Implementation Plan, which will focus on the following parameters:
- State-of-play of decarbonisation of waterborne transport;
- Scenarios with quantified targets for 2025, 2030 and 2050;
- Areas of intervention and related actions – implementation plan;
- Public Policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms, incentives and business models to increase the take-up and deployment from R&I activities.
European Commitment for zero-emission waterborne transport
The key role of the Green Shipping Expert Group in the formulation of the STEERER consultation process and the STEERER Agenda requires commitment to the Implementation Plan for zero- emission waterborne transport. At the end of the project, possibly during a side-event of the final conference, members of the group will be asked to show their commitment to the Implementation Plan, which will ensure a) continuity of their commitment beyond the project’s end and b) the fulfilment of a wide array of actions therein.
Tailor-made Communication Strategy for the Wider Society
The project will create a targeted campaign for the wider society, with a very clear campaign goal/theory of change: to raise awareness, among the wider society, about the importance of improving environmental performance and moving towards the goal of zero-emission waterborne transport.
D1.1 Terms of Reference for the Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee (SC) consists of experts nominated by carefully selected stakeholders. The SC plays an important role in consolidation of various inputs together with project partners (participants), the provision of scientific advice and in discussion with the STEERER consortium, propose an agenda and meeting documents for the Green Shipping Expert Group (GSEG). The SC will provide expert knowledge in the form of short one or two page briefings, including key questions, to facilitate the discussion within the GSEG.
D2.1 State-of-Play of Decarbonisation of waterborne transport “technology application atlas”
This deliverable is intended to provide a high level overview of the current situation regarding the transformation towards zero-emission waterborne transport by consolidating and presenting the existing findings of relevant projects and best practices, initiatives, existing decarbonisation strategies and visions for the (waterborne) transport sector.
D2.2 Scenarios with quantified targets for 2025, 2030 and 2050 - “Common stakeholder target scenarios”
Building on the Deliverable 2.1 State of play of decarbonisation of waterborne transport - “technology application atlas”., this document (D2.2) will describe a baseline scenario and alternative scenarios, and will define targets for 2025, 2030, 2040 and 2050 for each waterborne transport segments required to reach the Paris climate goals.
D2.3 Areas of intervention and relevant actions - “implementation plan”
The goal of this deliverable (D2.3) was to define key actions in order to support/fasten the development of the main technological solutions identified under each of the intervention areas from the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT): sustainable alternative fuels, electrification, energy efficiency, design & retrofit, digital green, ports. This work was done based on information that was gathered in the previous STEERER deliverables.
D2.4 Public policy instruments
D2.4: “Public policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms, incentives and business models to increase the take-up and deployment from R&I activities” uses the selected outcomes of the SWOT analysis performed on the Intervention Areas and relevant actions (D2.3) as the basis for the elaboration of a range of regulatory and non-regulatory instruments that may be used to reach the objectives of the Partnership. Public policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms and incentives are key elements necessary to increase the take-up of and deployment from RD&I activities, since viable business cases are rarely found in the sector when it comes to zero emissions in waterborne transport technologies. This deliverable consolidates all inputs that have been derived from the project internally and the feedback rounds with the Scientific Committee and the Green Shipping Expert Group members, who have provided valuable updates to the consortium work.
D2.5 Advice to the 1st ZEWT Research Agenda and its implementation plan
This deliverable first presents the relevant policy developments and their implications for the update of the ZEWT Partnership’s SRIA, as well as a concise presentation of the decarbonization scenarios for the waterborne transport sector up to 2050, considering the carbon budget left to be able to achieve the zero-emissions climate targets. Based on this information, the document subsequently outlines numerous RD&I actions clustered on the six ZEWT intervention areas, that STEERER recommends for uptake as part of the SRIA update to ensure the timely decarbonization process of the entire waterborne transport sector by 2050. It also presents several updated waterborne transport data figures to be used in the SRIA, as they contribute to better understand not only the current situation of the sector, but also some of its foreseeable evolutions. Finally, the deliverable gives a good overview of the different EU-funded RD&I projects focusing on zero-emission waterborne transport solutions and what are some of the lessons to be learned from them and incorporated in the Partnership SRIA.
D2.6 Monitoring and evaluation arrangements from the ZEWT SRIA agenda and its implementation
A monitoring and evaluation framework for the Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT) was established in 2021, outside of STEERER, and is executed by the WATERBORNE TP secretariat ever since. Therefore, the Deliverable focuses on monitoring the SRIA and the associated identification of issues and mitigation measure proposals. In addition, task 2.7 developed a monitoring and evaluation framework for the SWOT key actions and key actions of the intervention areas with the objective to track the implementation of the recommendations as a key result of STEERER for the next years.
D2.7 Advice to the 2nd ZEWT Research Agenda and its implementation plan
This document presents the relevant policy developments and their implications for the update of the 2023 SRIA and a dedicated analysis on how specific climate targets can be achieved (or potentially missed). It is a refined and expanded analysis of its predecessor D2.5 Advice to the 1st ZEWT Research Agenda and its implementation plan. The document also outlines numerous proposals clustered on the six ZEWT intervention areas, that STEERER recommends for uptake as part of the SRIA update. Finally, the analysis based on the past and current FP7 and H2020 RD&I projects also indicates topics where more support is needed and draws the attention on the need of information access and cooperation between these projects and the ones to be developed under the ZEWT umbrella.
D3.2 Terms of Reference for the Green Shipping Expert Group
The Green Shipping Expert Group (GSEG) consists of experts nominated by carefully selected stakeholders, as well as representatives of the European Commission Services. The GSEG will be beneficial in exchanging opinions, experiences, best practices and other relevant issues between the different segments of waterborne transport.
D3.3 Results of the first consultation phase: Trends and drivers for change
The consultation with the Green Shipping Experts Group helped identifying a total of 26 trends relevant for the waterborne transport sector, which have been organised according to the STEEP method (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political).
D3.4 Results of the Second Consultation Phase: Scenarios and Targets 25-30-50
The second phase of the STEERER consultation process focused on the identification of possible future decarbonisation scenarios for the waterborne transport sector at different time horizons (2025, 2030 and 2050), and the definition and quantification of the respective targets to be achieved.
D3.5 Results of the Third Consultation Phase: Priorities & SWOT
The final phase of the STEERER consultation process includes the main outcomes of the GSEG discussion organised on the third workshop (12 January 2022). The documents includes the priorities determined and a SWOT analysis.
D3.6 Results of the Fourth Consultation Phase: R&I Agenda & Implementation Plan
The fourth phase of the consultation process served to gather input and expert opinions to review and validate two key deliverables of the STEERER team. Specifically, the consultation focused on two main outcomes of the project, i.e., a proposed set of instruments and interventions to increase the uptake and dissemination of RD&I outcomes (D2.4); and the STEERER Advice on the 2nd ZEWT Research Agenda and its Implementation Plan (D2.7).
D4.1 Updated Plan for the Communication and Dissemination of the Action Management Plan
Updated Plan for the Communication and Dissemination consists of a more matured outline of the communication and dissemination strategy of the project to ensure appropriate actions are envisaged to inform, engage, create awareness and promote information about the project, its aims, funding source, outputs and impacts, as well as its wider societal implications beyond the project’s naturally engaged community..
D4.2 Data Management Plan
This document is the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the STEERER project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement number 875285. The purpose of the DMP is to provide an overview of all datasets used in the project and generated by the project and to define the STEERER consortium’s data management policy that is used with regard to these datasets. The purpose is to provide guidelines to the partners handling data in the context of the project. The DMP offers an overview of the way data will be collected, used, made accessible and further preserved and identifies roles and responsibilities of the partners at the different stages of the data life-cycle.
D4.3 Final Exploitation Plan
This document is the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the STEERER project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement number 875285. The purpose of the DMP is to provide an overview of all datasets used in the project and generated by the project and to define the STEERER consortium’s data management policy that is used with regard to these datasets. The purpose is to provide guidelines to the partners handling data in the context of the project. The DMP offers an overview of the way data will be collected, used, made accessible and further preserved and identifies roles and responsibilities of the partners at the different stages of the data life-cycle.
D4.4 Policy Recommendations
The D4.4 uses the selected outcomes of the analyses from the project internally for a wide range of regulatory and non-regulatory instruments to suggest recommendations to policy decision-makers makers in the waterborne transport sector. In detail, D4.4. Policy Recommendations” has rolled out and listed potential recommended interventions in the following areas for the waterborne transport sector:
• overarching key actions;
• sustainable alternative fuels;
• electrification;• energy efficiency, specifically focusing on wind-assisted propulsion systems (WAPS)-related proposals;
• digital green specifically focusing on the proposals concerning developing and using digital twins.