Platform for the implementation of NAIADES

PLATINA is a coordination and support action aimed at the promotion of inland waterway transport (IWT). The main objective of PLATINA is to support the Commission, Member States and third countries in the implementation of the NAIADES action programme. This will be achieved by providing technical, organisational and financial support for targeted policy actions and by building on strong interrelations with existing expert groups, projects and initiatives.
  • WP1 (Markets) will raise awareness on the possibilities offered by IWT, by identifying best practices, contributing to an improved administrative and regulatory framework, and by developing a European IWT information portal.
  • WP2 (Fleet) will support European IWT innovation by assisting in technology assessment, providing incubation assistance to speed up market transfer of innovations, raising visibility of IWT on strategic research agendas, facilitating exchange of hull-related information.
  • WP3 (Jobs & Skills) will raise awareness on career opportunities in IWT, foster mutual recognition of qualifications, and support the implementation of harmonised education curricula.
  • WP4 (Image) will coordinate activities relevant to the promotion of IWT at the European level, extend and deepen the existing network of promotion and development agencies and will prepare a common communication strategy.
  • WP5 (Infrastructure) supports the creation of a European development plan for the improvement of IWT infrastructures, supports the implementation of River Information Services, as well as the inter-disciplinary dialogue on environmentally sustainable waterway development.

The PLATINA consortium has ensured the active participation and support of key industrial actors, associations, knowledge institutes and Member States administrations in order to be effective. PLATINA will lead to improved coordination between national and European inland navigation policies and the increased integration of IWT into multimodal transport chains.