A Data Platform for the Connection of Cognitive Ports

DataPorts will provide a Data Platform in which transportation and logistics companies around a seaport will be able to manage data like any other company asset, in order to create the basis to offer cognitive services.

Nowadays, only 3% of container terminals are automatized. However, the future of the port industry point towards smart ports since it is the only way to overcome the challenges and demands that arise in the sector, optimizing port operations, enhancing the supply chain of operators and carriers, and reducing the emissions and waste.

Nevertheless, the maritime port infrastructure is quite complex. On a side, a large number of agents interferes in each port operation (retailer, freight forwarder, carrier, consignee, port authority, etc.) thus stagnant silos of information are produced and the real potential of the data cannot be obtained. From this need appears the DataPorts project, a Data Platform for the Cognitive Ports of the Future.

The project is devoted to the creation of a secure data platform that allows sharing the information not only between port agents but also between other ports. Hence, this is a secure environment of data exchange in a reliable and trustworthy manner, with access permits and contracts to allow data sharing and the exploration of new Artificial Intelligence and cognitive services. DataPorts platform aims at providing to seaports a secure and private aware-environment where data coming from different sources can be shared by the stakeholders in a trusted and reliable way, in order to get real value from those data, providing a set of novel AI and cognitive tools to the port community.


More information about the project can be found at the project website.