High Accuracy, Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly Dredging Solution

Dredging is an essential part of economy, allowing waterways and relevant infrastructure to operate at optimal capacity in favour of global distribution of goods.
It involves the removal of particles of sand, clay, silt and other substances deposited in the bottoms of coastal areas, ports and estuaries, navigable river beds... and is necessary to maintain the draft of the ports and fill their extensions, eliminate contaminated sediments or mitigate the effects of storms, creation of land and beaches, fishing and aquaculture, etc.

Impacts includes turbidity at the point of dredging and at the point of discharge, and mobilisation, dissolution and dispersion of pollutants retained in the sediments. Actually, dredging activities are being reoriented due to environmental awareness and legal restrictions.

Toolbot offers a solution for the last mile dredging operations where spots are hard to reach, where underneath infrastructures must be maintained or when conventional methods are oversized to actuate with precision. We make possible recurrent maintenance dredging in ports and marinas even in water dams due to an easy mobilisation by road truck using an underwater dredger vehicle.

More information about the project can be found at the project website.