Scenario-based risk management for polar waters

Aalto University’s Marine and Arctic Technology Research Group has outlined a new project to develop risk-based guidelines which holistically consider the impact of risks in ice infested waters.

In the near future, new approaches related to increasing automation will change both ship design and maritime system level design and operations. At the same time the growing interest in Arctic and Antarctic shipping activities due to the decreasing ice cover will also increase the risks of accidents on these waters.

The new project, Centre of Excellence for Scenario-based Risk Management in Polar Waters (CEPOLAR), aims to provide risk-based guidelines which holistically consider the impact of risks in ice infested waters. It combines several areas, like expertise in design methods, the ice environment, ship-ice interaction, and structural damage and consequence analysis.

The consortium consists of five universities with a track record from the Lloyd's Register Foundation (LRF) funded CEARCTIC project:

  • Aalto University, Finland (AALTO)
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (MEMORIAL)
  • Hamburg University of technology, Germany (TUHH)
  • The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • University of Helsinki, Finland (UH)