This page gives an overview of the organisational structure of Waterborne: the General Assembly, the Board, the Secretariat, the Alignment Group, the Industrial Research Advisory groups and the Delegates Group.


The organisational structure of Waterborne is summarized in the graphic below.

230409 Organisational Structure

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the forum of all members of the Association and it is the Association’s highest decision-making body. The General Assembly sets the Association’s policy and approves the Association’s annual budget, as prepared by the Board with the support from the Secretary General. The mandate of the General Assembly of the Waterborne TP is enshrined in the applicable Belgian law.

Board of Directors

The Board is the body that, in the interest of all its members, oversees the proper functioning and legality of the Association and defines its strategies.Board members are elected by the General Assembly for a two year term, to represent the interest of the members of the Waterborne TP. The mandate of the Board of Directors is enshrined in the applicable Belgian law.


The Board of Directors has assigned the Daily Management and representation of the Association in this respect to the Secretary General. In addition, the Secretary General manages the Secretariat, and functions as Secretary to various internal bodies. A further detailing of the responsibilities of the Secretary General is included in the yearly plan.

Delegates to the Partnership Board

The Delegates to the Partnership Board form the Delegates Group. The Delegates Group is thus the Waterborne TP part of the Partnership board. Delegates are elected by the General Assembly for a two year term, to represent the interest of the members of the Waterborne TP. The Partnership Board is the body that, in the interest of all its members, oversees the proper functioning of the Partnership in alignment with the strategy defined by the Board and approved by the General Assembly.

Alignment Group

The Alignment Group coordinates the technical RD&I matters of the Association, including the cPP on ZEWT, and thereby coordinates the activities of the IRAGs. In
addition, the Alignment Group collects and distributes information internally when relevant to the above, in consultation with the Secretary General.

The Waterborne Industrial Research Advisory Groups (IRAGs)

The Board has agreed to use the IRAGs as main discussion groups on technical RD&I matters, and that all members can be a member of an IRAG. Each member of the Association is expected to contribute actively to at least one IRAG. The current IRAGs focus on:

  • Ships & Shipping;

  • Blue Growth;

  • Ports & Logistics.