In-Voyage Ballast Water Treatment System
Solution – the innovation
Bawat has developed a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) that eliminates invasive species in the ballast water tank using a new invention. The solution treats the ballast water in-voyage using excess heat from the vessel engines, thereby saving energy and costs.
The treatment system runs automatically and independently of other on-board procedures and is 50% cheaper to operate for the ship owners than any competing system, and easier to fit in both existing and new vessels.
The project will have significant impact on both the operation of ships globally and the aquatic environments. The invasive species in the ballast water tank will be eliminated and never pose a threat to distant environments. Ship owners will save time and money when ships can leave the harbour right after loading/unloading, and money will be saved as excess heat from the engines is used to eliminate the biological activity in the ballast water tank.
The objective is to secure a US Coast Guard type approval, as this approval is a de-facto “licence to operate” in the global market.
More information about the project can be found at the project website.