
The STEERER consortium functions as a Secretariat, where the broader expertise is involved in the Scientific Committee and the Green Shipping Expert Group to be established by the project.

The complexity of the subject requires a consortium with a clear multi-disciplinary character. The different roles of the partners in their home countries are perfectly complementary to the required tasks in STEEER. The consortium contains a unique mix of nationalities, responsibilities and capabilities:

  • Representatives of the shipbuilding and maritime equipment suppliers, acting as secretariat of the Waterborne Technology Platform (Sea Europe);
  • A consultancy company with profound experience in development and execution of communication strategies (Magellan – EU Affairs Consultancy);
  • A research institute with profound knowledge of stakeholders’ involvement (ISINNOVA);
  • Organisations representing the inland waterway transport sector along the main transport corridors (EICB: expertise- and innovation centre for IWT & PRODANUBE);
  • A consultancy company with profound knowledge in the waterborne value chain and Life Cycle Performance Assessment (BALance technology consulting);
  • A maritime ship-owners’ association (BRV: Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association);
  • The EU-wide association that sets the agenda for maritime research in Europe, and represents the private stakeholders in the Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport (ZEWT) in the framework of Horizon Europe (WAT: Waterborne Technology Platform).
lgo sea europe

SEA Europe

SEA Europe brings together CESA (Committee of EU Shipbuilders' Associations) and EMEC and represents an industry which generates more than € 112 billion turnover annually and offers employment in high profile jobs for more than 900 000 Europeans. SEA Europe represents close to 100% of the European shipbuilding industry in 16 nations, encompassing the production, maintenance, repair and conversion of all types of ships and floating structures, commercial as well as naval including the full supply chain with the various producers of maritime systems, equipment material and services.

Through its R&D working group SEA RDI, SEA Europe has been actively contributing to shaping the European Waterborne R&D policies for many years. The Waterborne TP has been set up as an industry-oriented Technology Platform to establish a continuous dialogue between all waterborne stakeholders, such as classification societies, shipbuilders, shipowners, maritime equipment manufacturers, infrastructure and service providers, universities or research institutes, and with the EU Institutions, including Member States.

Role: Project Coordinator


lgo magellan

Magellan – EU Affairs Consultancy

Magellan is a European Union Affairs Consultancy and an active beneficiary in several large-scale European projects with a recognisable impact, mainly in the maritime transport sector. With offices in Porto (Portugal) and Brussels (Belgium), Magellan stands out for its action in public affairs, project management, preparation of project bids for EU funding, communication, dissemination and exploitation of project’s results, event management, networking, promotion and representation towards the EU institutions.

From its years of experience, Magellan has supported over 20 European innovation projects, developing a consolidated know-how in maximising the implementation and technical and policy impact of projects through dissemination and communication activities, as well as the exploitation of projects’ results. Magellan’s team delivers expertise in innovation and research funding, project management, internationalisation, events, workshops, training, communication and dissemination activities of European projects and drafting of R&D policy recommendations.

Role: Leader of Work Package 4 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation



ISINNOVA: Istituto di Studi per L’integrazione dei sistemi (I.S.I.S) – Societa’ Cooperativa

ISINNOVA - the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems - is an Italian private research and consulting firm supporting international, national and local public bodies for the analysis, the design, the implementation and the evaluation of sustainable policies in the fields of transport and mobility, urban planning, energy, environment, and knowledge society.  For more than four decades ISINNOVA has supplied expertise and solved complex problems for a variety of public and private organisations, and notably for the European Commission.

ISINNOVA works in cooperation with an extensive and established network of leading international organisations, including governments, ministries, agencies, universities, public and private research and consulting firms in Europe and in the world. It is a partner of choice for administrations and bodies who want to maximize the results of activities and projects, reaching out to different target groups in the fields of Transport, Energy, Environment, Planning and Participation involving key stakeholders at local, national and international level. Whether at the national or international level, ISINNOVA can facilitate exchanges with relevant players by organising conferences, workshops, surveys, or ad-hoc working groups and discussions.

Role: Leader of Work Package 3 – Green Shipping Expert Group/Stakeholder Consultation


lgo eicb

EICB: Expertise and Innovation Centre for Inland Waterway Transport

Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart is a foundation, established by the Dutch Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) sector organization Centraal Bureau Rijn- en Binnenvaart (CBRB) to manage and participate in (international) projects to promote and further develop the IWT sector. One of the main tasks of SPB is to carry out the programme office EICB (expertise- and innovation centre for IWT), founded as a result of a convenant between the Dutch IWT sector organisations CBRB, BLN Schuttevaer and the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management in 2006.

As an expertise and innovation centre for the IWT sector, its main focus area is the innovation in the sector. This concerns innovation in the field of vessel and engine technologies, logistics, digitization and autonomous navigation. The main challenge addressed by SPB/EICB is emission reduction of the fleet. SPB/EICB very strong connections with the Dutch IWT sector organisations and with the daily contact it has with the IWT sector and the ship-owners. Moreover, through the EIBIP platform and other EU funded projects, SPB/EICB has an extensive European network as well.

Role: Contributor to several Work Packages and task leader


lgo balance

BALance Technology Consulting GmbH

BALance’s key personnel earned their professional experience by working directly and indirectly with the maritime industry for more than 20 years. Since 1996, as a consultancy firm based in Bremen, Germany, BALance has offered expert studies and services to industry and governmental bodies on strategy, markets, policy support, coaching, project management, assessment of economic potential, innovation management / development, process analysis, and custom software solutions.

BALance’s customers comprise industrial companies from a range of sectors (steel production, shipbuilding, automotive, aerospace, building and construction and the supply industries) and governmental organisations.

BAL has comprehensive experience in:Project management, Knowledge management and organisation of documents, Life Cycle Performance Assessment, Ship building and ship operation, Software development, especially web-based applications for research projects and commercial customers.

Role: Contributor to several Work Packages and task leader


lgo pdm

Pro Danube Management GmbH

Pro Danube Management GmbH carries out the executive works and activities, including projects preparation and management of the “Pro Danube International” association. Pro Danube International (PDI) acts as network of private businesses to promote better infrastructure and services which result in a more intensive use of the environmentally friendly inland waterway. PDI is the non-profit association for the promotion of transportation on the Danube, based in Vienna, representing the inland waterway transport (IWT) users, professions and industries, which have the great interest in development of the Danube as an important transportation axis in the region.

In the interest of all its members, PDI raised and leads projects in the Danube region that address innovation topics and contribute to greening, modernisation and digitalisation of the sector. Besides these projects, Pro Danube set-up the Innovation Transfer Centre for the IWT users in the Danube region, called INDanube (, with the start-up help of the EC and supports them in deployment of innovative technologies addressing the greening the fleet as well as new logistic (incl. digitalisation of the sector and processes) and vessel concepts.

Pro Danube represents the commercial Danube inland navigation sector. Pro Danube elaborated the Green Deal for Danube River Transport, a policy initiative for the build-up of the innovation framework for IWT in the Danube region.

Role: Contributor to several Work Packages and task leader


lgo kbrv

Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association

The Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association (RBSA) was founded in 1909. Almost all shipowners operating vessels under the Belgian flag are RBSA members. The mission of BRV is:

  • to defend the common interests of all shipowners under the Belgian flag,
  • and to represent them in dealing with the authorities and the social partners.

The RBSA has delivered pioneering achievements in various fields:

  • for the recruitment of seafarers for sea service: RBSA has helped to set up the institutions and the regimes concerned;
  • the Association has additionally assisted in expanding seafarer labour conditions as well as their social security and pension regimes, at national and international level;
  • moreover, RBSA has contributed to the promotion of maritime training.

RBSA serves as a dedicated point-of contact for the maritime sector

Not only for members, but also for politicians, public services and other parties concerned who seek advice about all shipping-related issues or who want to learn how shipping can support world trade even better.

A representative on the European and world stage

However, RBSA operates beyond Belgium as well: in Europe under the umbrella of ECSA (European Community Shipowners’ Associations) and on the world stage, through ICS (International Chamber of Shipping). Accordingly, Belgium has been an IMO (International Maritime Organization) council member for many years.

Role: Contributor to several Work Packages and task leader


Waterborne high

Waterborne Technology Platform

WATERBORNE was set up as an industry-oriented Technology Platform to establish a continuous dialogue between all waterborne stakeholders, such as classification societies, shipbuilders, shipowners, maritime equipment manufacturers, infrastructure and service providers, universities or research institutes, and with the EU Institutions, including Member States.

The strategic objectives of the WATERBORNE TP are:

  • Establish a continuous dialogue between all stakeholders in the waterborne transport sector and in other waterborne-related sectors on R&I;
  • Contribute to the widest possible consensus regarding R&I and to focusing of efforts and resources;
  • Develop a common medium- and long-term R&I Vision and a Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas (SRIAs);
  • Contribute to the appropriate mobilisation and allocation of the necessary financial resources (private/regional/national/EU sources);
  • Contribute to the social expectations regarding clean, competitive and safe waterborne transport as well as regarding other waterborne-related activities, including education and training.

Currently, the members of WATERBORNE comprise members as well as associated members from both maritime and inland navigation countries, representing 19 Member States (over 100 full members). In addition, the Associations member of the Waterborne Technology Platform represent the broader waterborne sector throughout the entire EU. WATERBORNE is coordinating the Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport in the framework of Horizon Europe, and the STEERER project is therefore of essence regarding the yearly update of the SRIA of the Partnership.

Role: contributor to all WPs and liaison with the WAT membership and the ZEWT Partnership.
