Strengthening European Transport Research and Innovation Strategies

The SETRIS Project brings together 5 Transport European Technology Platforms (ETPs) – road, rail, air, water and logistics – and a variety of their membership as partners into one consortium, coordinated by ECTRI (the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes) and Newcastle University.  Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement No 653739, SETRIS aims to deliver a cohesive and coordinated approach to research and innovation strategies for all transport modes in Europe.

Partners within the SETRIS Project

The SETRIS consortium achieves a balanced representation of all transport modes as also included within the White Paper “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system”.  They bring a wide variety of industrial/ commercial involvement to the project, in turn assisting industry in preparation for on-going developments within roadmaps, implementation plans and future policy and strategy coming about from the White Paper.

More information about the project can be found at the project website. Documents released by the project consortium can also be found at the Document section of the Waterborne website.