Power storage innovation for greener waterborne transport

The waterborne transport sector can further reduce its impact on the environment and contribute to sustainable solutions for shipping. In this context, the EU-funded POSEIDON project will build and demonstrate the applicability of three innovative fast-response energy storage systems (ESS) in waterborne transport (supercapacitors, flywheels and superconducting magnetic energy storage). Moreover, it will establish a refined metrics levelised cost of storage (LCOS) tool for cost assessment of ESS for different waterborne segments. Finally, POSEIDON will conduct a complete life cycle analysis of the three ESS, evaluate potential integration with other disruptive technologies, and determine safety issues and potential long-term risks proposing regulatory solutions.

An ultra-sound technology will be tailored to suit vessels allowing air-reuse saving energy for HVAC systems and operated as pre-treatment enhancing a membrane carbon capture process. The Ca/Mg – alkali solvent capture process is capable of removing 75% of the CO2 from flue gases. All solutions will be demonstrated first on a land-based engine followed by the selection of the most suitable solution for a demonstration on a waterborne vessel. The (land-based) demonstrations will represent the operation of a majority of vessel engines. By developing retrofitting protocols, simulations of the solutions, data generated at the demonstrations a software catalogue tool will be developed. Through engagement activities this tool will gain more users and more knowledge, its value and effectiveness will increase for all users. The project aims to bring the different solutions to TRL 8. The demonstrations, the software tool catalogue, and the dissemination and exploitation activities ensure that project results will be replicated globally.

More information about the project can be found at the project website