How to reach zero-emission waterborne transport in 2050? Your opinion matters.

Looking into the future of the waterborne transport sector is one of the main tasks of the STEERER project. Greening the sector is no more an option, but a common goal to achieve for the sustainability of our planet. 

Many factors can come into play in setting the direction the waterborne transport sector will take in the next decades. Anticipating these factors is of primary importance to contrast their future development with appropriate measures and remedy actions and ensure progress towards sustainable patterns. To achieve the target of a zero-emission waterborne transport sector in 2050 we have to start from what we see happening today!

What are the global trends that might influence the waterborne transport sector? How relevant are they and how much do we already know about them? Over the last months the STEERER research team, in close consultation with the Green Shipping Expert Group, have identified a series of trends in the Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political domains.

We are now eager to get your expert opinion on how much the identified trends might affect the waterborne transport sector in the future.

We will use the results of the survey to rank the trends and identify the most relevant and at the same time most uncertain ones (i.e. the critical uncertainties). They will help us detect what alternative futures might be envisaged for the sector and where there is more need for action.


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