Two new deliverables are now available for consultation

Two Work Package 2 deliverables D2.4 Public policy instruments and D2.5 Advice to the 1st ZeWT Research Agenda and its implementation plan have been submitted and are now available for consultation. .

D2.4: “Public policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms, incentives and business models to increase the take-up and deployment from R&I activities”

D2.4: “Public policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms, incentives and business models to increase the take-up and deployment from R&I activities” uses the selected outcomes of the SWOT analysis performed on the Intervention Areas and relevant actions (D2.3) as the basis for the elaboration of a range of regulatory and non-regulatory instruments that may be used to reach the objectives of the Partnership.

Public policy instruments and interventions and other appropriate mechanisms and incentives are key elements necessary to increase the take-up of and deployment from RD&I activities, since viable business cases are rarely found in the sector when it comes to zero emissions in waterborne transport technologies. This deliverable consolidates all inputs that have been derived from the project internally and the feedback rounds with the Scientific Committee and the Green Shipping Expert Group members, who have provided valuable updates to the consortium work.

Click on the image to read the deliverable.

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D2.5 "Advice to the 1st ZEWT Research Agenda and its implementation plan"

D2.5 "Advice to the 1st ZEWT Research Agenda and its implementation plan" first presents the relevant policy developments and their implications for the update of the ZEWT Partnership’s SRIA, as well as a concise presentation of the decarbonization scenarios for the waterborne transport sector up to 2050, considering the carbon budget left to be able to achieve the zero-emissions climate targets.

Based on this information, the document subsequently outlines numerous RD&I actions clustered on the six ZEWT intervention areas, that STEERER recommends for uptake as part of the SRIA update to ensure the timely decarbonization process of the entire waterborne transport sector by 2050. It also presents several updated waterborne transport data figures to be used in the SRIA, as they contribute to better understand not only the current situation of the sector, but also some of its foreseeable evolutions.

Finally, the deliverable gives a good overview of the different EU-funded RD&I projects focusing on zero-emission waterborne transport solutions and what are some of the lessons to be learned from them and incorporated in the Partnership SRIA. 

Click on the image to read the deliverable.

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