
Fundación Centro Tecnológico Soermar

In 2020, Fundación Centro Tecnológico Soermar was created, whose main objective is to find new lines of joint action in Technical and Technological matters that improve the competetiveness of the Shipyards.

The objectives of Soermar are:

- Develop Research, Development and Innovation projects;

- Support the Shipyards in several areas: Quality, Organization, Training, Design, Environment, Regulation and in all those fields where Soermar can collaborate;

- Promote actions that may result in a competetive improvement of the Shipyards through an increase in the efficiency of their industrial activity.

Soermar is performed by 21 Spanish shipyards, and has been designated by the Shipyards as the unique interlocutors in R&D&I in national and international areas. Soermar collaborates with the Shipyards in the development of R&D&I projects that improve and expand the catalogue of products of each of them, applying the technological advances that allow them to consolidate and access new markets as well as to new industrial sectors such as the design and construction of prototypes related to marine renewable energies. The Shipyards, through Soermar, join efforts and commitments to make available to the naval sector: Experience, Technology and Competetiveness.



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