INLECOM is a European group of companies, established originally in the UK in 1996, to promote innovative Information Learning and Communication Solutions with the seminal charter of promoting innovative Information and Communication Solutions in shipping. Today, INLECOM has expanded upon these foundational competencies to an established leader in Digital Ecosystem Platforms & Technologies particularly supporting sustainable developments in Transport & Logistics, Smart Green Cities, and Energy sectors.

Inlecom Maritime Innovation is a growing activity with a dedicated research group specializing in shipping digitalisation with focus on digital twin applications, benchmarking of decarbonisation solutions, ship hydrodynamics modelling and simulation and offshore green energy platforms. Slamming and wave impact of marine structures as well as exploitation of offshore wind and wave energy fall within the research interests of the group as well.

INLECOM is actively involved in many high profile H2020 projects promoting the adoption of green technologies and is also the coordinator of the new HEU project Digital Twins for Green Shipping (DT4GS) and technical coordinator of Resilience-centric Smart, Green, Networked EU Inland Waterways (ReNEW) project.

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