International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)

The Center for Innovation in Transport (CENIT) is a research group of the prestigious International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), a consortium of the Catalan Government and UPC-BarcelonaTech with the cooperation of UNESCO. CENIT is dedicated to generating knowledge in transport, logistics and mobility, and its transmission to society through research, education and technology transfer. Our multidisciplinary, scientific and systematic approach allows us to analyse transport elements relating to service, behaviour, functionality, sustainability, management, quality, reliability, risk and safety. CENIT analyses the problems affecting day-to-day transportation systems, logistics chains and mobility from a scientific perspective, providing innovative solutions and technical support for both public bodies and private enterprises.

CENIT is carrying out its research at the cutting edge of the latest trends in port and maritime and the blue economy. CENIT is involved in European Commission projects, including the Sustainable Ports Sub Group, Horizon 2020 PIONEERS and LASHFIRE projects.   We have also recently run 2 projects in the Caribbean: Consultancy for Infrastructure Investments Assessment in Caribbean Ports and Development of a National Maritime Policy and Strategy in Trinidad and Tobago. Additionally, we have researchers on trends and drivers shaping the future Port of Barcelona: Port 2040 Vision, including the innovative and latest themes of port digitalisation and energy transition. In addition, we are teaching on several Masters Programmes in shipping at the UPC.

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