INSEAN is a Research Institute active in the field of naval architecture and marine engineering within the frame of the National Research Council of Italy.

Established in 1927, and known since then as "The Italian Ship Model Basin", it is located in the south-west suburb of Rome.

Staff in permanent employment is of 117 people, including 41 researchers and engineers, 60 technicians, 16 administration employees.

Runs test facilities that are an important infrastructure to support the technical and scientific development in the field, and stand out in the world for their size and the advanced measurement systems.

Conducts basic research in the main disciplines of naval architecture and marine engineering, with applications, among others, to the safe maritime transport and the reduction of risks to the ship and crew. Many research topics are aimed at areas of interest of the integrated European maritime policy: eco-sustainable transport, sea transport safety, innovative technologies for the shipbuilding industry, sustainable exploitation of the sea.

Take part in several research projects funded or co-funded by national and international institutions and is involved in various consultancy activities towards industrial partners.

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