Federation of European Private Port Companies and Terminals

Since 1993, FEPORT represents the interests of large variety of terminal operators and stevedoring companies performing operations and carrying out activities over 400 terminals in the seaports of the European Union. FEPORT speaks on behalf more than 1200 companies.

Our aim is to promote the interests of our members ie national associations and global multinational companies and to maintain constant dialogue with all EU institutional and non-institutional stakeholders.

FEPORT’S Mission statement

FEPORT speaks on behalf of its members, promotes their collective interest and presents their positions.

FEPORT is committed to ensure inclusive dialogue and constructive exchange of views between its members and European policy-makers.

FEPORT undertakes all initiatives that favor a better understanding of the priorities of the European private port operators’ sector by key stakeholders.

FEPORT’s Value proposition 

  • Advocacy & influence: acting to promote sustainable favourable business environment for membership
  • Access & relationships: establishing fruitful cooperation between membership and all relevant stakeholders
  • Information & intelligence: collecting and using all relevant information to take appropriate action
  • Recognition & branding: building trust and becoming an expertise provider regarding the sector

FEPORT is a policy-led and policy-driven organization.

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