European Shippers’ Council

The European Shippers’ Council (ESC) represents the logistics interests of manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers, collectively referred to as shippers.

Shippers want to safeguard the delivery of their products to their customers in the right condition, at the right time, at the right price, and in the most efficient and sustainable way. Members are national shippers’ associations, European commodity trade associations, and businesses.

Manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers should be able to take maximum advantage of the internal European market. However, the European market has remained restricted on matters like the weight and dimensions of lorries, the hiring of personnel in other Member States, and regional differences in the implementation of European taxation such as VAT and excise duties that enhance the compliance costs for shippers.

In order to reach that optimised supply chain, it is essential that the European Union liberalises and harmonises issues ranging from freight services to taxation and labor laws to trade facilitation.

Internationally, the ESC works closely with the Asian Shippers’ Association (ASA) and the American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI), together forming the Global Shippers Alliance (GSA).

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