Polish Register of Shipping

Polish Register of Shipping

PRS is an independent expert company providing services worldwide with a mission to ensure the safety of people, objects and constructions, as well as the protection of the natural environment. We aim at assisting our clients to develop their business.

We are a Polish classification society, a member of IACS, accredited systems management certification and verification body and EU notified body.

Our services include classification and statutory surveys of ships and other floating objects, certification and supervision over building and operation of industrial constructions, offshore platforms and energy systems based on renewable energy sources.

Range of company’s business activity also covers certification of management systems, assessment of products conformity with legal regulations, and the certification of persons and education.

An important part of our activity is conducting research work on issues related to the safety of ship's structure, creating ship calculators and programs and developing safety standards.

We contribute our knowledge and experience to projects of IMO, IACS and other organizations and initiatives as well as exchange technical expertise on science conferences.

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